Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Released in Full

After wandering around in Carleton's new River Building where the Clayton Riddell Graduate Program is housed, to find out that the administration was on vacation, to returning to Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs, only to be told that I need to send an e-mail to the President's Office, to having my e-mail redirected to the University's Communications Department, I finally obtained a copy of the donor agreement between Clayton Riddell and Carleton University that was first released on June 29, 2012. I've uploaded the document here.

As current news stories show, there are numerous inconsistencies in the Press Release issued by Carleton University and the actual document itself, particularly the hiring process. According to the Press Release, the donor has no say as to who is hired and who is not. But, according to the donor agreement, it seems that Riddell does have agency to determine who can or can't join the teaching staff. Since Riddell will be contributing donations for coming years, he is authorized to assess whether the school is meeting his standards. His standards most likely aligning with his and his associates' political affiliations.* Moreover, the size of the donation has generated some backlash among the teaching staff at Carleton University who have decried Clayton Riddell's contribution as "irresponsible."

There are some other issues that need to be fleshed. For instance, the Graduate Program comprises of 25 hand-picked students. As I detailed in my last post, a vocal majority of the students happen to have blatant Tory leanings. So, not only does Clayton Riddell get to decide who teaches at the School, he also indirectly gets to decide who is admitted. Therefore, it's likely that the students who are accepted into the school already have Conservative loyalties that can be further enhanced by the education they'll receive from -- mostly -- ex-Conservative/Reform strategists and supporters.

As I mentioned in my last post, this story is far from being over. Developments are sure to follow.
* This claim was brought to my attention by this blogger.

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